The Importance of Extended Care and Long-Term Treatment

The Importance of Extended Care and Long-Term Treatment

Overcoming addiction is a significant achievement, but it’s just the beginning of a lifelong journey. For men who have completed initial treatment, extended care and long-term treatment for addiction are crucial for maintaining sobriety and building a drug-free life. At Next Step Recovery, we understand the unique challenges men face in their recovery journey and […]

Why is Aftercare Important for Relapse Prevention Planning?

Why is Aftercare Important for Relapse Prevention Planning?

Addiction recovery is not just an experience, it’s a journey. While the beginning stages of treatment are very important, what happens after treatment is just as crucial. Aftercare plays a major part in relapse prevention planning and supporting long-term sobriety. At Next Step Recovery, we understand the impact and value of aftercare planning in recovery. […]

Why Do Addicts Relapse When Things Are Good?

why do addicts relapse when things are good

After several challenging, transformative months, your loved one finally did it. They got sober, found a job, attended meetings, and felt confident in themselves, but then they pick up drugs or alcohol again, and you’re left wondering exactly what went wrong. It happens all the time. People get sober, get things back in life, and […]

A Recipe for Holiday Success 2022

a recipe for holiday success 2022

If you are wondering how to navigate the holidays safely this year, you are not alone. Even in the best of times, holidays can be daunting with the logistical challenges of getting everyone around the table, avoiding the topics that can ruin a meal, and the pressure of living up to often unreasonable expectations. Add […]

Addiction Treatment Costs: How Much You Should Pay & How to Save on Quality Care

addiction treatment costs

Costs of addiction treatment should never hold you back from seeking sobriety. However, addiction care can seem expensive for those with plenty of other financial burdens.  Many individuals with addictions stay away from treatment for this reason. Understanding the cost is an important first step to feeling ready for recovery.  That’s why we’d like to […]

The 12 Step Recovery Program

12 step recovery program

At Next Step Recovery, we offer 12 Step Programs for men located in Asheville, NC, that offers the 12 Step Recovery Program for those battling addiction. Our program is a proven path to lasting sobriety. The 12 Step Program is a clinically proven method for addiction recovery. Our program has been shown to be effective […]

DBT Life Skills

DBT Life skills

Dialectical Behavior Therapy We offer a powerful tool to assist addiction recovery: DBT Life Skills. Our program is designed to complement our facility’s existing offerings and give men recovering from addiction the foundation they need to provide for themselves and build a better life. This progress is vital to successfully dealing with addiction over the […]

Hope For Recovery: Is There Hope for Real Recovery from Addiction?

hope for recovery

If you or a loved one have been struggling with addiction, you may be wondering if there is any reason to hope that things can get better.  That’s a reasonable question given the devastation that often accompanies addiction. Spoiler alert: they can. In fact, hope is the very foundation for recovery.  It’s also the second […]

13 Ways to Enhance The Addiction Recovery Process: From an Addictions Specialist

13 ways to enhance the addiction recovery process

Dear Friend, Next Step Recovery recently celebrated its 13th birthday as an organization. In the spirit of celebration, we have compiled a list of 13 tools and methods that can be useful in enhancing and sustaining the recovery process. 1. Gratitude Gratitude is often the catalyst for cultivating feelings of happiness, serenity, and peace. Gratitude […]

When Parents Relapse: Why Whole-Family Recovery Is Crucial

parents relapse

Dear Friend, You may have heard that relapse is part of the recovery process. In our last newsletter, we explored how relapse may be part of someone’s recovery journey and also why relapse doesn’t have to be a given, especially when the right support system and structure is in place, like we provide here at […]

Take the Next Step in Your Recovery

Our goal is to help you overcome your addiction and develop the tools you need for a sustainable recovery. Give us a call to learn more about our addiction treatment programs for men.