Next Step Recovery, based in Asheville, NC, offers Men’s Recovery Therapy for Alcohol Addiction. We provide an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for men ages 18 to 40 in the Asheville community to help transition with the proper support to avoid relapse. The IOP is a 12-week therapy program that is done 15 hours per week to help discharged patients transition from medical detox, inpatient residential programs, or when regular outpatient services are not enough. More about our IOP can be found at
A representative from Next Step Recovery says, “Our 12-week program is designed to provide extra clinical and 12-step support during the early weeks of recovery when the risk of relapse is highest. The IOP uses a three-pronged strategy that includes individual counseling, 12-step immersion education to support long-term recovery, and intensive group therapy. Participants of the IOP also explore wilderness therapies to promote personal empowerment, healing, and community building.”
The IOP is held every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Its features include a: 12 step recovery framework, relapse prevention education, stress management techniques, mindfulness and self-regulation tools, trauma resiliency training, distress tolerance training, and dialectical behavior therapy skills group. It also includes individual case management, weekly onsite counseling, a structured environment, drug and alcohol screening, job search assistance, care from clinical addiction specialists, reintegration assistance, and mindfulness practices.
To be admitted into the IOP, clients undergo an individualized comprehensive clinical assessment to determine the type and level of support that would be best for their long-term recovery goals. If the assessment indicates extra support would be beneficial, clients are encouraged to take part in the IOP and/or work with other healthcare providers, such as a psychiatrist. To ensure the safety and quality of their programming, the IOP is only made available to men who meet eligibility criteria, including those involved with alcohol/ drug screening, medications, and background checks.
We also provide a range of clinical recovery support services, employment and educational resources, and support groups for men ages 18 to 40. More about this can be found at Support groups include Alcoholics Anonymous of Asheville, Narcotics Anonymous, Smart Recovery, and Al-Anon/Alateen. Educational resources include Mars Hill College, Asheville Buncombe Technical Community College, Mountain Area Distance Education Program, Montreat College, the University of North Carolina at Asheville, Lenoir-Rhyne, and Warren Wilson College.
Clinical behavioral therapies form a major part of the treatment methods used for our alcohol addiction counseling programs. One such type of therapy that we use is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which is employed in various parts of the world to treat addiction and a range of other mental illnesses. We also use exercises, clinical sessions, and other CBT methods to help empower men to change their lives for the better.
Meanwhile, DBT is used to introduce to them life-changing skills. Through the use of dialogue, it helps men to better cope with stress, cultivate better interpersonal skills, and get back control of their lives in the future.
Here at Next Step Recovery, we provide a recovery community in Asheville that makes use of the environment to help our patients with their recovery efforts. The Asheville area has beautiful sceneries that can help plus people who are very hospitable. To get on the road to recovery, the patients need to recover their feeling of self-worth. While this is not always easy, a caring and accepting community in Asheville can enhance their chances of success.
The recovery community in Asheville also provides the patients with an environment filled with positive people who want them to succeed in their recovery efforts. This is vital because men with an addiction often have fractured relationships and therefore suffer from intense loneliness.
Men who would like to know more about the alcohol addiction counseling programs offered by Next Step Recovery may want to visit our website at or contact them through the telephone at 828.350.9960.
NSR of Asheville and Next Step Recovery created a special IOP, Extended Care and Sober Living Environment model. Click Here to Learn More.