How Are Men Affected by the Stigma of Addiction?
The United States is in the midst of an overdose crisis that has lowered the country’s life expectancy rates. Addiction is a severe and complex condition that affects each person, family, and community differently. The stigma of addiction prevents people from reaching out for the help they need when living with a drug and alcohol […]
10 Tips for Families in Recovery: Steps to Whole-Family Recovery
At Next Step Recovery, we believe recovery is a family journey that should include family recovery support. Addiction takes a tremendous toll on families who often struggle for years with the emotional, financial and physical consequences of untreated addiction. The road to recovery, which often includes relapses, job and relationship losses, can be a long […]
PIVOTPoint WNC: Powerful Medicine in the Mountains
I landed in Asheville, NC raw. Raw, confused, angry, and terrified. I had checked two large suitcases under the small puddle-jumper. They charged me an extra fee for the 2nd bag. I am grateful that there are no check fees for the mountains of shame and guilt that I had also brought with me on […]
Recovering in the Shadows: Breaking Our Addiction to Shame
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word stigma as “a mark of shame or discredit.” As human beings, we naturally encounter a wide range of emotions on a daily basis. Shame is a bitter feeling that some of us experience more than others. Many addicts in recovery experience shame when interacting with people outside the recovery community, […]
Hidden Signs of Addiction: How to Recognize Addiction in Those We Love
According to a Columbia University study, more than 40 million Americans meet the clinical criteria for addiction, and another estimated 80 million are considered to be “risky substance users,” making addiction America’s most neglected disease. If substance abuse is so common, then why don’t we hear more about it? And why don’t more people seek […]